The Pediatric Diagnostic Examination (IE)

55280-8727/ 9780071287272

ISBN/ 9780071287272
作者/出版商 Greydanus/McGraw-Hill
出版年代/版次 2008/ 1

定價NT$ 980
NT$ 931

頁數:813    裝訂:平裝  開數:21 x 12 cm  印刷:彩色


An essential guide to interpreting signs and symptoms in infants, children, and adolescents

This well-illustrated, full-color handbook offers a logical, systematic approach to differential diagnosis is children, and is ideal for developing the skills and confidence necessary for diagnosing pediatric patients. Incorporating must-know anatomy, pathophysiology, and diagnostic tools, Pediatric Diagnostic Examination will sharpen your ability to effectively manage every step of the diagnostic examination process.

*Icons that lead you quickly and easily to key signs, problems, findings, and syndromes
*Easy-to-follow, consistent template for all chapters, covering physiology and mechanics, functional anatomy, taking patient history, key symptoms and signs, suspicions, diagnostic tools, and important clinical alerts
*Useful for diagnosing children of all ages
*Coverage of all regions and systems
*Numerous diagrams, tables, and clinical photographs-all in full-color
*Written by practicing pediatricians experienced enough to know the complications and pitfalls you will encounter in daily practice