Manual of Pediatric Therapeutics

55281-7166/ 9780781771665

ISBN/ 9780781771665
作者/出版商 Graef/Lippincott
出版年代/版次 2008/ 7

定價NT$ 850
NT$ 808

頁數:736    裝訂:平裝  開數:21.2 x 13.  印刷:黑白

Thoroughly updated for its Seventh Edition, this practical quick-reference manual presents authoritative patient management guidelines based on the extensive clinical experience at The Children's Hospital in Boston. Coverage includes normal newborn, well-child, and adolescent care, acute care, disorders of each organ system, behavioral disorders, and management of the child with developmental disabilities and specialized health care needs. The text includes numerous easy-to-scan tables and a popular "A to Z" drug formulary.