(舊版特價-恕不退換)Vascular Neurology: Questions and Answers

355351-2196/ 9789746521963




2008/ 1

定價NT$ 890
NT$ 579

頁數:311    裝訂:平裝  開數:22.8 x 15.3  印刷:黑白

The only review book for the largest subspecialty in neurology, Vascular Neurology: Questions and Answers contains over 500 multiple-choice questions, each with a detailed explanation and references for further review.

Vascular Neurology covers everything from the basics of neuroscience to "must-know" clinical neurology to neurovascular specifics. It includes Board-formatted review questions and is divided into nine key sections for targeted topic study.

Vascular Neurology: Questions and Answers is a must-have review tool for anyone taking the vascular neurology subspecialty exam, the neurology Board exam, and the Residency In-service Training Exam, and for any physician who wants to review vascular neurology, test his or her skills, or better understand this important topic. It is the most effective way to prepare for exams and assess your knowledge of the field.