Rang彩色圖說藥理學(Pharmacology 5/e)


9861263128 / 9789861263120
劉人瑋 / 合記

定價NT$ 1,900
NT$ 1,710

頁數:797    裝訂:平裝  開數:16K  印刷:彩色



謝誌 (Acknowledgements)
我們要感謝下列人士對我們的協助以及建議,包括了J. H. Abramson教授、J. Mandelstam教授、M. Weber醫師、R. J. P. Willams教授、Johm Vane先生與醫學圖書館皇家協會的工作人員們。


H. P. Rang
M. M. Dale
J. M. Ritter
P. K. Moore




■ 譯者經歷





1. 藥理學是什麼? (What is pharmacology?) 2
20世紀的藥理學 3
(Pharmacology in the 20th century)
2. 藥物如何作用:通則 7
(How drugs act: general principles)
藥物分子與細胞的結合 7
(The binding of drug molecules to cells)
去敏感化與作用遞減性 19
(Desensitisation and tachyphylaxis)
3. 藥物如何作用﹕分子觀點 22
(How drugs act:molecular aspects)
藥物作用之標的 (Targets for drug action) 22
受體蛋白 (Receptor proteins) 26
離子通道作為藥物之標的 45
(Ion channels as drug targets)
受體表現的調控 (Control of receptor expression) 47
受體與疾病 (Receptors and disease) 48
4. 細胞機轉:興奮、收縮與分泌 51
(Cellular mechanisms: excitation, contraction and secretion)
細胞內鈣離子濃度的調控 51
(Regulation of intracellular calcium levels)
興奮 (Excitation) 55
肌肉收縮 (Muscle contraction) 62
化學媒介物質的釋放 64
(Release of chemical mediators)
上皮離子運輸 (Epithelial ion transport) 66
5. 細胞機轉:細胞增殖與細胞凋亡 69
(Cellular mechanisms: cell proliferation and apoptosis)
細胞增殖 (Cell proliferation) 69
血管新生 (Angiogenesis) 74
細胞凋亡與細胞更替 (Apoptosis and cell removal) 74
病理生理學上的應用 77
(Pathophysiological implications)
治療上的應用 (Therapeutic implications) 77
6. 藥理學的方法與衡量 80
(Method and measurement in pharmacology)
生物分析法 (Bioassay) 80
疾病的動物模式 (Animal models of disease) 84
臨床試驗 (Clinical trials) 86
平衡效益與風險 (Balancing benefit and risk) 89
7. 藥物的吸收及分佈 91
(Absorption and distribution of drugs)
藥物分子的轉移 (Translation of drug molecules) 91
藥物的處置 (Drug disposition) 97
藥物的吸收 (Drug absorption) 98
特殊的藥物運輸系統 104
(Special drug delivery system)
8. 藥物排除與藥物動力學 106
(Drug elimination and pharmacokinetics)
藥物代謝 (Drug metabolism) 106
藥物與藥物代謝物的腎臟排除 111
(Renal excretion of drugs and drug metabolism)
膽道排泄與腸肝循環 113
(Biliary excretion and enterohepatic circulation)
藥物動力學 (Pharmacokinetics) 114
9. 化學媒介物與自主神經系統 122
(Chemical mediators and the autonomic nervous system)
歷史沿革 (Historical aspects) 122
週邊神經系統 (The peripheral nervous system) 123
化學傳遞的某些通則 126
(Some general principles of chemical transmission)
神經傳遞物質的基本步驟:藥物作用位置 133
(Basic steps in neurochemical transmitssion:sites of drug action)
10. 膽鹼激性傳導 (Cholinergic transmission) 136
乙醯膽鹼的毒草蕈與菸鹼作用 136
(Muscarinic and nicotinic actins of acetylcholine)
乙醯膽鹼受體 (Acetylcholine receptors) 137
膽鹼性神經傳導的生理學 139
(Physiology of cholinergic transmission)
藥物對膽鹼性神經傳導的作用 143
(Effects of drugs on cholinergic transmission)
11. 正腎上腺性激性傳導 161
(Noradrenergic transmission)
腎上腺受體的分類 161
(Classification of adrenoceptors)
正腎上腺素激性神經傳導的生理學 164
(Physiology of noradrenergic transmission)
作用於腎上腺受體的藥物 168
(Drugs acting on adrenoceptors)
影響腎上腺激性神經元的藥物 176
(Drugs that affect noradrenergic neurons)
12. 其他週邊媒介物:5-羥基色胺酸與嘌呤 184
(Other peripheral mediators and 5-hydroxytryptamine and purines)
5-羥基色胺酸與嘌呤 (5-hydroxytryptamine) 184
嘌呤 (Purine) 192
13. 胜H與蛋白質作為媒介物質 198
(Peptides and proteins as mediators)
胜H藥理學的一般性質 198
(General principles of peptide pharmacology)
胜H的生合成與調控 202
(Biosynthesis and regulation of peptides)
胜H拮抗劑 (Peptide antagonists) 204
蛋白質與胜H作為藥物 205
(Proteins and peptides as drugs)
結論 (Concluding remarks) 206
14. 一氧化氮 (Nitric oxide) 209
一氧化氮的生合成與其調控 209
(Biosynthesis of nitric oxide and its control)
一氧化氮的裂解與攜帶 210
(Degradation and carriage of nitric oxide)
一氧化氮的作用 (Effects on nitric oxide) 212
治療方式 (Therapeutic approaches) 213
一氧化氮可能扮演角色的臨床狀況 214
(Clinical condition in which nitric oxide may play a part)
15. 局部荷爾蒙、發炎與免疫反應 217
(Local hormones, inflammation and immune reactions)
急性發炎反應的組成 217
(The components of the acute inflammatory reaction)
發炎反應的結果 228
(The Outcome of the inflammatory response)
發炎與免疫反應的媒介物 229
(Mediators of inflammation and immune reactions)
根據操控免疫反應為基礎的療法 241
(Current therapies based on manipulation of the immune response)
有潛力的新療法 (Potential new therapies) 242
16. 抑制發炎以及免疫抑制藥物 244
(Anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressant drugs)
非類固醇類抑制發炎藥物 244
(Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)
組織胺的抑制劑 (Antagonists of histamine) 252
用於治療痛風的藥物 (Drug used in gout) 254
用於治療類風濕性關節炎的藥物 255
(Antirheumatoid drugs)
免疫抑制劑 (Immunosuppressant drugs) 257
未來可能的發展 (Possible future development) 260
17. 心臟 (The heart) 264
心臟功能的生理學 264
(Physiology of cardiac function)
影響心臟功能的藥物 272
(Drugs affect cardiac function)
18. 血管系統 (The vascular system) 285
血管結構與功能 (Vascular structure and function) 285
血管平滑肌張力的控制 286
(Control of vascular smooth muscle tone)
血管活性藥物 (Vasoactive drugs) 292
血管活性藥物的臨床應用 298
(Clinical uses of vasoactive drugs)
19. 粥狀動脈硬化及脂蛋白的代謝 306
(Atherosclerosis and lipoprotein metabolism)
動脈瘤的形成 (Atherogenesis) 306
脂蛋白在血液中的運輸 307
(Lipoprotein transport in the blood)
降低血脂肪的藥物 (Lipid-lowering drugs) 309
20. 凝血與栓塞 (Haemostasis and thrombosis) 315
血液凝固 (Blood coagulation) 315
作用在凝血反應鏈的藥物 317
(Drugs that act on the coagulation cascade)
血小板貼附與活化 323
(Platelet adhesion and activation)
纖維蛋白溶解(血栓溶解) 327
[Fibrinolysis (thrombolysis)]
21. 造血系統 (The haemopoietuc system) 330
造血系統 (The haemopoietic system) 330
補血劑 (Haemoatinic agents) 331
造血生長因子 (Haemopoietic growth factors) 336
22. 呼吸系統 (The respiratory system) 340
呼吸的調節 (The regulation of respiration) 340
呼吸功能異常 (Disorders of respiration) 341
23. 腎臟 (The kidney) 352
腎臟功能的概述 (Outline of renal function) 352
腎元的結構與功能 352
(The structure and function of the nephron)
作用於腎臟的藥物 (Drugs acting on the kidney) 362
改變尿液pH值的藥物 365
(Drug which alter the pH of the urine)
改變有機分子排泄的藥物 365
(Drugs which alter the excretion of organic molecules)
24. 腸胃道系統 (The Gastrointestinal tract) 367
胃腸道的神經支配與荷爾蒙 367
(The innervation and the hormones of the gastrointestinal tract)
胃的分泌作用 (Gastric secretion) 368
嘔吐 (Vomiting) 372
胃腸道的運動 375
(The motility of the gastrointestinal tract)
用於慢性發炎性腸疾病的藥物 377
(Drugs for chronic inflammatory bowel disease)
影響膽道系統的藥物 378
(Drugs affecting the biliary system)
25. 胰臟的內分泌與血糖的控制 380
(The endocrine pancreas and the control of blood glucose)
胰臟胰島的荷爾蒙 (Pancreatic islet hormones) 380
血糖的控制 (Control of blood glucose) 385
糖尿病 (Diabetes mellitus) 385
26. 肥胖 (Obesity) 394
控制能量平衡的體內機轉 394
(The homestatic mechanism controlling energy balance)
肥胖是一種健康問題 397
(Obesity as a health problem)
27. 腦垂體與腎上腺皮質 404
(The pituitary and adrenal cortex)
腦垂體 (The pituitary gland) 404
腎上腺皮質 (The adrenal cortex) 411
28. 甲狀腺 (The thyroid) 421
甲狀腺荷爾蒙的合成、儲存與分泌 421
(Synthesis, storage and secretion of thyroid hormones)
甲狀腺功能調節 (Regulation of thyroid hormones) 422
甲狀腺荷爾蒙的作用 423
(Actions of the thyroid hormones)
運輸與代謝 (Transport and metabolism) 424
甲狀腺功能異常 424
(Abnormalities of thyroid function)
用於甲狀腺疾病的藥物 425
(Drugs used in disease of the thyroid)
29. 生殖系統 (The reproductive system) 429
內分泌控制與修飾生殖功能的藥物 429
(Endocrine control of reproduction and modulating drugs)
用於避孕的藥物 (Drugs used for contraception) 439
子宮 (The uterus) 441
勃起功能障礙 (Erectile dysfunction) 443
30. 骨骼代謝作用 (Bone metabolism) 446
骨骼結構與組成 446
(Bone structure and composition)
骨骼重塑 (Bone remodelling) 446
骨骼異常 (Disorders of bone) 451
31. 中樞神經系統的化學傳遞與藥物作用 457
(Chemical transmission and drug action in the central nervous system)
神經系統的化學訊號 457
(Chemical signaling in the nervous system)
藥物作用標的 (Targets for drug action) 458
作用於中樞神經系統的藥物 459
(Drug action in the central nervous system)
精神激性藥物的分類 460
(The classification of psychotropic drugs)
32. 胺基酸傳遞物質  462
(Amino acid transmitters)
興奮性胺基酸 (Excitatory amino acids) 462
麩胺酸鹽 (Glutamate) 463
Gamma-aminobutyric acid 470
甘胺酸 (Glycine) 473
33. 其他傳遞物質與調節物質 474
(Other transmitters and modulators)
正腎上腺素 (Noradrenaline) 475
多巴胺 (Dopamine) 476
5-羥基色胺酸 (5-Hydroxytryptamine) 480
乙醯膽鹼 (Acetylcholine) 483
嘌呤 (Purines) 485
組織胺 (Histamine) 485
其他中樞神經系統媒介物  485
(Other CNS mediators) 
後記 (A final message) 488
34. 神經退化性疾病 490
(Neurodegenerative disorders)
神經元死亡機轉 (Mechanisms of neuronal death) 490
缺血性腦損傷 (Ischaemic brain damage) 493
阿茲海默氏症 (Alzheimer's disease) 494
巴金森氏症 (Parkinson's disease) 497
亨丁頓氏症 (Huntington's disease) 501
神經退化性普恩蛋白疾病 501
(Neurodegenerative prion disease)
35. 全身麻醉藥物 (General anaesthetic agents) 504
麻醉藥物的作用機轉 504
(Mechanism of action of anaesthetic drugs)
麻醉藥物對神經系統的作用 505
(The effects of anaesthetics on the nervous system)
對心血管與呼吸系統的作用 506
(Effects on the cardiovascular and respiratory system)
吸入型麻醉藥物 (Inhalation anaesthetics) 506
個別吸入型麻醉藥物 509
(Individual inhalation anaesthetics)
靜脈注射麻醉藥物 511
(Intravenous anaesthetic agents)
36. 抗焦慮藥物與安眠藥物 515
(Anxiolytic and hypnotic drugs)
焦慮的本質與抗焦慮藥物的活性測量 515
(The nature of anxiety and hypnotic drugs)
抗焦慮藥物與安眠藥物的分類 516
(Classification of anxiolytic and hypnotic drugs)
Benzodiazepines類藥物 517
Benzodiazepine拮抗劑 523
(Benzodiazepine antagonist) 
Buspirone 523
Barbiturates類藥物 (Barbiturates) 523
其他有潛力的抗焦慮藥物 524
(Other potential anxiolytic drugs)
37. 抗精神病藥物 (Antipsychotic drugs) 525
精神分裂症的本質(The nature of schizophrenia) 525
治療精神分裂藥物 (Antipsychotic drugs) 528
38. 影響情感異常的藥物 535
(Drugs used in affective disorders)
憂鬱的本質 (The nature of depression) 535
憂鬱症的理論 (Theories of depression) 536
抗憂鬱藥物 (Antidepressant drugs) 538
電擊驚厥療法 (Electroconvulsive therapy) 547
抗憂鬱藥物的臨床效果 548
(Clinical effectiveness of antidepressant treatments)
穩定情緒的藥物 (Mood-stabilising drugs) 548
39. 抗癲癇藥物 (Antiepileptic drugs) 550
癲癇的本質 (The nature of epilepsy) 550
抗癲癇藥物的作用機轉 553
(Mechanism of action of antiepileptic drugs)
抗癲癇藥物 (Antiepileptic drugs) 554
肌肉痙攣與中樞作用肌肉鬆弛劑 559
(Muscle spasm and centrally acting muscle relaxants)
40. 止痛藥物 (Analgesic drugs) 562
痛覺的神經機轉 (Neural mechanism of pain) 562
止痛藥物 (Analgesic drugs) 572
新方法 (New approaches) 583
41.中樞神經興奮藥物與擬精神病藥物 585
(CNS stimulants and psychotominetic drugs)
驚厥劑與呼吸刺激劑 585
(Convulsants and respiratory stimulants)
精神運動興奮藥物 (Psychomotor stimulants) 587
擬精神病藥物 (Psychotomimetic drugs) 591
42. 藥物依賴性與藥物濫用 594
(Drug dependence and drug abuse)
藥物依賴的本質 595
(The nature of drug dependence)
菸鹼與煙草 (Nicotine and abuses) 598
乙醇 (Ethanol) 603
大麻 (Cannabis) 608
43. 局部麻醉藥物 (Local anaesthetics) 612
局部麻醉藥物 (Local anaesthetics) 612
其他影響鈉離子通道的藥物 616
(Other drugs that affect sodium channels)
44. 化學療法的基本原則 620
(Basic principles of chemotherapy)
化學療法的分子基礎 620
(The molecular basis of chemotherapy)
抗微生物藥物的抗藥性 629
(Resistance of antimicrobial drugs)
45. 抗微生物藥物 (Antibacterial drugs) 635
干擾葉酸合成或是作用的抗微生物製劑 637
(Antimicrobial agents that interfere with the synthesis
or action of folate)
Beta-lactam抗生素 (Beta-lactam antibiotics) 639
影響細菌蛋白質合成的抗微生物製劑 643
(Antimicrobial agents affecting bacterial protein synthesis)
影響topoisomerase II的抗微生物製劑 647
(Antimicrobial agents affecting topoisomerase II)
其他抗菌藥物 648
(Miscellaneous antibacterial agents)
抗分枝桿菌製劑 (Antimycobacterial agents) 649
可能的新型抗菌藥物 652
(Possible new antibacterial drugs)
46. 抗病毒藥物 (Antiviral drugs) 654
有關病毒的背景資訊 654
(Background information about viruses)
宿主與病毒的交互作用 655
(The host-virus interaction)
抗病毒藥物 (Antiviral drugs) 657
47. 抗黴菌藥物(Antifugal drugs) 666
黴菌感染 (Fungal infections) 666
用於黴菌感染的藥物 666
(Drugs used for fungal infection)
有潛力的新抗黴菌療法 670
(Potential new antifungal infection)
48. 抗原蟲藥物 (Antiprozoal drugs) 672
宿主與寄生蟲的互動 672
(Host-parastire interactions)
瘧疾 (Malaria) 673
肺囊蟲肺炎及其治療 682
(Pneumocystits pneumonia and its treatment)
阿米巴感染與殺阿米巴原蟲藥物 682
(Amobiasis ana amobicidal drugs)
利什曼感染與殺利什曼蟲藥物 683
(Leishmaniasis and leishmancidal frugs)
錐蟲病與殺錐蟲藥物 683
(Trypanosomiasis and trypanosomicidal drugs)
滴蟲病與殺滴蟲藥物 684
(Trichomoniasis and trichomonicdal drugs)
弓漿蟲病與殺弓漿蟲藥物 684
(Toxoplasmosis and toxoplasmocidal drugs)
抗原蟲的新療法 685
(New approaches to antiprotozoal therapy)
49. 治療蟯蟲感染藥物 687
(Anthelminthic drugs)
蠕蟲感染 (Helminth infections) 687
抗蠕蟲藥物 (Anthelminthic drugs) 687
對抗蠕蟲藥物的抗藥性 691
(Resistance to antihelminthic drugs)
治療蠕蟲感染藥物的新方法 691
(New approaches to anthelminthic therapy)
50. 癌症化學療法 (Cancer chemotherapy) 693
癌症的病因學(The pathogenesis of cancer) 693
細胞毒性抗癌藥物的作用通則 696
(General principles of action of cytotoxic anticancer drugs)
用於癌症化學療法的藥物 698
(Drugs used in cancer chemotherapy)
抗癌藥物的抗藥性 706
(Resistance of anticancer drugs)
治療時程 (Treatment schedules) 707
處理嘔吐與骨髓抑制的技術 707
(Techniques for dealing with emesis and myelosuppression)
癌症化學療法未來可能的策略 707
(Possible future strategies for cancer chemotherapy)
51. 個體差異與藥物交互作用 712
(Individual variation and drug interaction)
種族的作用 (Effects of ethnicity) 712
年齡的作用 (Effects of age) 713
懷孕的影響 (Effects of pregnancy) 714
基因因素 (Genetic factors) 714
體質特異性反應 (Idiosyncratic reactions) 716
疾病的作用 (Effects of disease) 717
藥物交互作用 (Drug interactions) 718
52. 藥物的有害作用 (Harmful effects of drugs) 724
藥物不良作用的種類 724
(Types of adverse drug reaction)
藥物毒性 (Drug toxicity) 725
53. 基因療法 (Gene therapy) 739
技術層面 (Technical aspects) 739
安全性 (Safety) 743
治療方面 (Therapeutic aspects) 743
54. 藥物探索與研發  747
(Drug discovery and development)
臨床前階段 (The preclinical stages) 747
臨床研發 (Clinical aspects) 749
商業考量 (Commercial aspects) 750
後記 (A final note) 751

附錄 (Appendix)
索引 (Index)