(代訂)Principles and Practice of Laser Dentistry


Convissar / Mosby

定價NT$ 6,800
NT$ 6,460

重量:1.2kg 頁數:328   裝訂:精裝 開數: 28.3x22cm 印刷:彩色

Expand your skills in the rapidly growing field of laser dentistry! The new second edition of Principles and Practice of Laser Dentistry contains everything you need to know about the latest laser procedures across all areas of dentistry. With vivid clinical photos and easy-to-follow writing, Dr. Robert A. Convissar and his team of dental experts walk you through the most common uses of lasers in areas like: periodontics, periodontal surgery, oral pathology, implantology, fixed and removable prosthetics, cosmetic procedures, endodontics, operative dentistry, pediatrics, orthodontics, and oral and maxillofacial surgery. The book also covers topics such as the history of lasers in dentistry, laser research, the latest laser equipment, and how to go about incorporating lasers into your practice, so that you are fully equipped to use lasers successfully in your treatments.

New to This Edition

    • NEW! Updated content on regenerative laser periodontal therapy, lasers in implant dentistry, lasers in restorative dentistry, low-level lasers in dentistry, and laser dentistry research reflects the latest technology advancements in the field.
    • NEW! More clinical photos, equipment photos, and conceptual illustrations offer a detailed look at how equipment is used and how procedures are completed.