Medical Surgical Nursing: Critical Thinking in Client Care with CD-ROM (Single Volume)


*Lemone / Pearson Hall
2008 / 4

定價NT$ 2,500
NT$ 2,250

頁數:2048    裝訂:精裝  開數:28.1 x 22.  印刷:彩色

Description ~~

For courses in Medical Surgical Nursing.

Students and instructors alike love this text's organization and clear presentation of patient care, with its consistent format and multiple methodologies for student learners—narrative text, boxes, tables, graphics, photographs. The text is built around functional health patterns, a framework used by many schools of nursing. With a focus on developing decision-making skills, the authors encourage students to think critically, thoughtfully, and realistically through an abundance of case studies and examples. Because nursing care is organized around prioritized diagnoses with interventions and rationales, students quickly understand the rationale of each action.