Handbook of Adolescent Health Care

554290-9020/ 9780781790208

ISBN/ 9780781790208
作者/出版商 Neinstein/Lippincott
出版年代/版次 2009/ 1

定價NT$ 1,500
NT$ 1,425

頁數:840    裝訂:平裝  開數:21.2 x 13.3  印刷:黑白

Handbook of Adolescent Health Care is a condensed, portable version of Dr. Neinstein's best-selling clinical reference, Adolescent Health Care: A Practical Guide, Fifth Edition. In easy-to-scan outline format with numerous tables and treatment algorithms, the handbook presents the most essential clinical information from the larger text. The 84 chapters cover all the key developmental, medical, reproductive, mental health, substance abuse, and STI issues that occur in adolescents, as well as nutrition and complementary/alternative medicine. This handbook is ideal for pediatric and family practitioners who do not specialize in adolescent medicine and can be used by specialists as a quick reference in the clinical setting.