Cram Session in Manual Muscle Testing: A Handbook for Students & Clinicians


Van Ost / Slack
2012 /1e

定價NT$ 1,118
NT$ 1,062

出版年代 : 2012  版次: 1  重量:0.3kg  頁數:199   裝訂:平裝  開數:21.6*14.1  印刷:黑白

Product Description
When all you need is a basic understanding of manual muscle testing, supplemented by concise and illustrative examples of the techniques, look to Cram Session in Manual Muscle Testing: A Handbook for Students & Clinicians for quick and "at your fingertips" facts.

Cram Session in Manual Muscle Testing: A Handbook for Students & Clinicians by Lynn Van Ost is a succinct and descriptive quick reference that provides the rehabilitation professional with a very basic approach to various manual muscle techniques. Organized in a “head to toe” format, Cram Session in Manual Muscle Testing: A Handbook for Students & Clinicians takes user-friendly and efficient learning to a new level.

What is in your “Cram Session”:

•Photographs depicting each manual muscle testing technique
•Breakdown of each body region covered
•Sections include average range of motion, prime movers, accessory muscles, patient positioning, muscle grading for each movement and substitutions
•Over 200 photographs
Cram Session in Manual Muscle Testing: A Handbook for Students & Clinicians is an informative, well-organized handbook for all students and clinicians in physical therapy, occupational therapy, athletic training, orthopedics or any allied health professional who treats musculoskeletal disorders.