100 Questions & Answers about Cancer & Fertility

314510-4049/ 0763740497

ISBN/ 0763740497
作者/出版商 Beck/Jones & Bartlett
出版年代/版次 2008/ 1

定價NT$ 350
NT$ 333

頁數:152    裝訂:平裝  開數:22.9 x 15.  印刷:黑白

Approximately 130,000 of people diagnosed with cancer in the United States each year are in their reproductive years and 1,000,000 cancer survivors are diagnosed during their reproductive years. Whether you're a newly diagnosed cancer patient, a survivor, or loved one of someone suffering from infertility, this book offers help. The only text available to provide both the doctor's and patient's views, 100 Questions & Answers About Cancer & Fertility, provides practical, authoritative answers to 100 of the most common questions asked by cancer patients and survivors about fertility. Written by an ObGyn/reproductive medicine specialist and cancer/fertility patient advocate, with commentary from actual patients, this is an invaluable resource for anyone struggling with the medical, physical, and emotional turmoil of cancer and infertility.

“I am a cancer survivor – but I am also a Dad. When I look at my three beautiful children and realize that they would not be here if I wasn’t told to bank my sperm, I feel overwhelmed with gratitude. They are my life – they are my legacy. Every cancer survivor deserves the chance to be a parent, and this book can make it happen!”