Ortho Notes: Clinical Examination Pocket Guide








定價NT$ 1,511
NT$ 1,435

重量:0.26KG 頁數:295 裝訂:平裝圈圈 開數:14*9cm 印刷:彩色

A Davis’s Notes title!

Perfect wherever you are…in class, in clinical, and in practice!

Put the information you need at your fingertips with this handy, easy-to-use guide. Each joint tab includes the most effective clinical tests (rated by sensitivity and specificity), medical screening, imaging, mechanism of injury, ROM, strength. and functional deficits.

Amazing study tool!“Great study tool for students! And a great reference tool for the clinic!”—Online Reviewer

Great purchase.“It was very helpful with my clinicals. It's a great guide!”—Connie L., Online Reviewer

Always good for when you need a quick refresher on things.“… and you'd rather not consult Dr. Google in front of patients.”—Christopher D., Online Reviewer

  • Updated & Revised! Reflects advances in science and practice, supported by the most current literature.
  • Revised & Updated! Streamlines the Pharmacology section for easier reference.
  • Revised! Presents statistical data as indicating high, low, or variable results for specificity or sensitivity to facilitate interpretation.
  • The Alerts/Alarms tab includes charts and tables for patient management, medical conditions related to gender and age, vital signs, and abbreviations.