The Caesarean Section

501-0019/ 9789352700196

ISBN/ 9789352700196
作者/出版商 Domini/Jaypee
出版年代/版次 2017/ 1

定價NT$ 3,325
NT$ 3,159

重量:0.8kg  頁數:280  裝訂:平裝  開數:28 x 21.7  印刷:單色

This book is a comprehensive guide to caesarean section for practising obstetricians. Divided into four sections, the text begins with an overview of anatomy and physiology in childbirth, followed by discussion on diagnosis in clinical obstetrics and use of a partograph to record key data on both the mother and baby during labour. Section three covers the complete process of caesarean section, describing indications for the operation, anaesthesia, and the actual procedure. A chapter is dedicated to perimortem and post-mortem caesarean delivery. Postoperative recovery and potential complications are also explained. The final section of the book examines alternatives to caesarean section surgery. With a highly experienced team of authors, this practical guide is further enhanced by more than 300 illustrations and tables. Key points * Comprehensive guide to caesarean section for practising obstetricians * Covers complete procedure, from indications and anaesthesia, to operating techniques and complications * Includes chapter on perimortem and post-mortem caesarean delivery * Final section covers alternatives to caesarean section surgery

第 16筆 / 本類共187筆