Partha's Immunization Digest

551-9195/ 9789385891953

ISBN/ 9789385891953
作者/出版商 Parthasarathy/Jaypee
出版年代/版次 2017/ 3

定價NT$ 875
NT$ 831

重量:0.3kg  頁數:291    裝訂:平裝  開數:21.5 x 10.6 cm  印刷:單色

Partha’s Immunization Digest, 3rd edition is updated with the latest information on immunization. The Internet Era has revolutionized the knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) on immunization of both parents as well as doctors. Day-in and day-out new information keeps on pouring in. So much so, the medical practitioner is in a dilemma as to which vaccine to prefer and how to schedule it. The authors have taken pains to collect available useful literature on immunization both from Indian and foreign sources and presented the resume in a reader-friendly yet concise and informative manner. The text on development of various types of vaccine formulations is highly informative as also the text on future vaccines. 

• An updated and revised book with information on various aspects of immunization.

• Practical guidelines are incorporated on vaccine administration and safe injection practices including technique of vaccine administration.

• Learning points at the end of each chapter is a unique feature offering day-to-day practice-oriented guidelines.

• Tables showing vaccine brands available in India is a ready reckoner for the busy practitioners.

• Diagrams showing administering multiple vaccines at the same sitting.

• Latest National Immunization Schedule 2016 and IAP Immunization Time Table 2016 with footnotes are self-explanatory and updated.

• FAQs by parents and doctors have been answered adequately.

• Immunization websites and bibliographic references will serve those readers who are on the lookout for more information on vaccines and immunization practices.