The Core Curriculum: Cardiopulmonary Imaging

313307-3655/ 0781736552

ISBN/ 0781736552
作者/出版商 Kazerooni/Lippincott
出版年代/版次 2004/ 1

定價NT$ 3,400
NT$ 3,230

Book Description

Introducing a brand-new volume of The Core Curriculum--a series of textbooks that are indispensable as both guides for radiology residents' rotations and study tools for written boards or recertification exams. Each volume of The Core Curriculum examines one key area--such as ultrasound, neuroradiology, musculoskeletal imaging, cardiopulmonary imaging, head-and-neck imaging, or interventional radiology--and focuses on the essential information readers need to do well on the boards. The user-friendly presentation includes chapter outlines...tables...bulleted lists...boxed text...margin notes...key review points...hundreds of illustrations...and an easy-to-follow layout.