Paediatric Rheumatologycs

552310-3875/ 9780198738756

ISBN/ 9780198738756
作者/出版商 Foster/Oxford
出版年代/版次 2018/ 2

定價NT$ 2,301
NT$ 2,186

重量:0.3kg  頁數:553   裝訂:平裝  開數:18 x 10.2  印刷:單色+彩圖

The new edition of Paediatric Rheumatology is an indispensable resource for the identification and management of specific rheumatological disorders. Fully revised to provide up to date knowledge on common and rare rheumatological problems, including chapters on investigations and emergencies, this practical handbook designed for quick reference is essential reading for those who treat rheumatological conditions.