2024 / 2
重量:0.24kg 頁數:210 裝訂:平裝 開數:20.4 x 12.8 cm 印刷:單色
紙本+全文電子書(Enhanced Activate eBook)
Based on the proven concept of high-probability review and recall,Fast Facts for the Family Medicine Board Review,Second Edition,offers immediate practice for testing your knowledge and ensuring success on the American Board of Family Medicine exam. This easy-to-use, up-to-date review tool by Drs. Frank J. Domino and Laurel Banach is aligned with the new ABFM exam blueprint, with content weighted according to new ABFM exam coverage. In a concise, “just the facts” format, it provides a series of 1,300 short answer questions organized according to Family Medicine specialty rotations: Pediatrics, Obstetrics/Gynecology, Internal Medicine, Psychiatry, Surgery/Emergency Care, Geriatrics, and General (electives).