Essence of Clinical Endocrinology





Ahmed / Jaypee



定價NT$ 1,801
NT$ 1,711

重量:0.52KG 頁數:193 裝訂:平裝 開數:26.7*20.8 cm 印刷:彩色

Quick Overview

There were two different aims during writing this book. One is to make physicians and medical students more accustomed with clinical endocrinology for which each chapter begins with relevant anatomy and physiology and common but tricky scenarios are supplemented with decision-making investigation steps (DMIS) and the other aim is to improve skill-sharing opportunities between endocrinologist and allied specialist (imaging specialist, laboratory scientist, physiologist, endocrine surgeons, oncologists, etc.) by appropriately highlighting current multidisciplinary workups for disorders including incidentalomas, assisted reproductive techniques, etc.

Key Features

  • Each chapter starts with applied information of anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology; therefore, users will be able to refresh their knowledge and will be able to grip the rationalities of diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.
  • The Decision-Making Investigation Steps (DMIS) of the book will make easy to deal with difficult settings even for the beginners in this field.
  • Rare cases and least used investigations are presented with flowcharts, figures, tables, boxes to provide simple and effective way to make familiar with the user.
  • Written in an easy style so that readers with English as second language will not face any difficulty.