Shea / Springer
重量:0.25kg 頁數:164 裝訂:圈圈平裝Spiral-bound 開數:19 x 12.7 cm 印刷:單色
Praise for the First Edition:
"The pocket NP guide is an easy to use clinical companion guiding the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of common presentations to the emergency setting. I personally use this resource in my clinical practice and also recommend it to all of my students. I highly recommend the pocket NP guide for any practitioners working or thinking of working in the emergency setting."
-Theresa Campo DNP, FNP-C, ENP-BC, FAANP
Updated to promote ultra-quick access to current information NPs need daily
Now in its second edition, this reference guide for nurse practitioners and other health care providers in emergency, medical, screening, fast track, and/or geriatric settings continues to provide ultra-quick access to key assessment and management information.
The Pocket NP delivers a wealth of information for assessment and management of the most-commonly encountered problems in fast-track settings. Arranged in a logical head-to-toe format, it includes the history, physical examination, and essential medical decision-making considerations needed to walk you step-by-step through a typical patient encounter.