(特價優惠-恕不退換)記憶解剖口袋書(Netters Anatomy Flash Cards)


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記憶解剖口袋書提供獨特的學習資源,以彌補醫學系、牙醫系、護理系、其他醫學相關科系與研究所解剖課程上所採用的解剖教科書之不足。本書採用Frank H. Netter醫學博士所描繪的模式圖,裡面不只包含肌肉骨骼系統,還有很多重要神經、血管與內臟結構圖,這些是以前一些快速查閱用書所沒有的內容。
每一頁的彩圖詳細記錄人體的解剖,就如Netter博士所描繪的一樣,且本書以Netter博士最暢銷的解剖圖譜『Atlas of Human Anatomy』的分區架構進行整理與編排(依照頭頸部、背部與脊髓、胸部、腹部、骨盆與會陰、上肢、下肢等分區)。在每一個區域,依照以下的順序排列:骨頭與關節、肌肉、神經、血管、內臟。若是你想要得到本書所有的詳細資料,可以從這網站取得:www.netterart.com,且可以列印出每一頁的關鍵字與相關的圖表編號。
˙Anatomy. Clemente, ed.,
 Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 4th Edition.
˙Clinically Oriented Anatomy. Moore and Dalley,
 Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 4th Edition.
˙Grant掇 Atlas of Anatomy. Agur and Lee,
 Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 10th Edition.
˙Gray掇 Anatomy. Clemente, ed.,
 Lee and Febigar, 30th Edition
˙Gross Anatomy. Chung,
 Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 4th Edition.
˙Hollinsheads Textbook of Anatomy. Rosse and Gaddum-Rosse,
 Lippincott-Raven, 5th Edition
我希望本書能讓學習變得有趣,且能快速學習解剖學,並能鼓勵學生以尊敬的心學習解剖,讓學生更尊重人體。John T. Hansen博士神經與解剖學系教授與副學務長Rochester大學醫學與牙醫學院

了解人類身體構造是學習醫學相關課程必備的基礎知識,本書不只提供詳細 的肌肉骨骼系統、神經、血管及內臟結構圖,還附有方便查閱的子目錄, 讓讀者可以快速地查到欲了解的部位,並設計成方便攜帶的大小,是就讀醫療相關科系的讀者不可或缺的好幫手。

頭頸部 (Head and Neck):
1. 頭骨:前面觀 (Skull: Anterior View) 4
2. 頭骨:側面觀 (Skull: Lateral View) 6
3. 頭骨:正中矢狀切面 (Skull: Midsagittal Section) 8
4. 鼻腔的側壁 (Lateral Wall of Nasal Cavity) 10
5. 頭顱底部:下面觀 (Cranial Base: Inferior View) 12
6. 頭顱底部的孔洞:上面觀 (Foramina of Cranial Base: Superior View) 14
7. 成年人的下頷骨:前外側上面觀(Mandible of Adult: Anterolateral Superior View) 16
8. 成年人的下頷骨:左後側觀(Mandible of Adult: Left Posterior View) 18
9. 顳下頷關節 (Temporomandibular Joint) 20
10. 牙齒 (Teeth) 22
11. 牙齒結構 (Tooth) 24
12. 頸椎:寰椎與樞椎 (Cervical Vertebrae: Atlas and Axis) 26
13. 外側顱頸椎韌帶 (External Craniocervical Ligaments) 28
14. 內側顱頸椎韌帶 (Internal Craniocervical Ligaments) 30
15. 喉部的軟骨 (Cartilages of Larynx) 32
16. 聽覺小骨 (Auditory Ossicles) 34
17. 顱頂肌的額腹(額肌)(Frontal Belly (Frontalis) of Epicranius Muscle) 36
18. 顱頂肌的枕腹(枕肌)(Occipital Belly (Occipitalis) of Epicranius Muscle) 38
19. 眼輪匝肌 (Orbicularis Oculi) 40
20. 顴小肌、顴大肌 (Zygomaticus Minor, Zygomaticus Major) 42
21. 口輪匝肌 (Orbicularis Oris) 44
22. 降嘴角肌 (Depressor Anguli Oris) 46
23. 頰肌 (Buccinator) 48
24. 闊頸肌 (Platysma) 50
25. 顏面表情肌:側面觀 (Muscles of Facial Expression: Lateral View) 52
26. 提上瞼肌 (Levator Palpebrae Superioris) 54
27. 眼球的外在肌 (Extrinsic Eye Muscles) 56
28. 顳肌 (Temporalis) 58
29. 嚼肌 (Masseter) 60
30. 內翼肌 (Medial Pterygoid) 62
31. 外翼肌 (Lateral Pterygoid) 64
32. 下頷舌骨肌 (Mylohyoid) 66
33. 頦舌骨肌 (Geniohyoid) 68
34. 頦舌肌 (Genioglossus) 70
35. 舌骨舌肌 (Hyoglossus) 72
36. 莖舌肌 (Styloglossus) 74
37. 提帆肌 (Levator Veli Palatini) 76
38. 張帆肌 (Tensor Veli Palatini) 78
39. 口腔頂部 (Roof of Mouth) 80
40. 上咽縮肌 (Superior Pharyngeal Constrictor) 82
41. 中咽縮肌 (Middle Pharyngeal Constrictor) 84
42. 下咽縮肌 (Inferior Pharyngeal Constrictor) 86
43. 莖咽肌 (Stylopharyngeus) 88
44. 胸鎖乳突肌 (Sternocleidomastoid) 90
45. 胸舌骨肌 (Sternohyoid) 92
46. 胸甲狀肌 (Sternothyroid) 94
47. 肩胛舌骨肌 (Omohyoid) 96
48. 甲狀舌骨肌 (Thyrohyoid) 98
49. 環甲狀肌 (Cricothyroid) 100
50. 莖舌骨肌 (Stylohyoid) 102
51. 二腹肌 (Digastric) 104
52. 斜杓肌與橫杓肌(Oblique and Transverse Arytenoids) 106
53. 後環杓肌 (Posterior Cricoarytenoid) 108
54. 喉部的肌肉 (Muscles of Larynx) 110
55. 斜角肌 (Scalene Muscles) 112
56. 頭長肌、頸長肌 (Longus Capitis, Longus Colli) 114
57. 頭頸部的皮神經 (Cutaneous Nerves of Head and Neck) 116
58. 顏面神經的分支 (Facial Nerve Branches) 118
59. 動眼、滑車、外旋神經:模式圖 [Oculomotor, Trochlear and Abducent Nerves: Schema] 120
60. 眼眶的神經 (Nerves of Orbit) 122
61. 下頷神經 (Mandibular Nerve (V3) 124
62. 鼻腔的神經 (Nerves of Nasal Cavity) 126
63. 頭部的自主神經 (Autonomic Nerves in Head) 128
64. 前庭耳蝸神經:模式圖 [Vestibulocochlear Nerve: Schema] 130
65. 原位的頸神經叢 (Cervical Plexus In Situ) 132
66. 頸部的淺層靜脈與動脈 (Superficial Veins and Arteries of Neck) 134
67. 鎖骨下動脈 (Subclavian Aartery) 136
68. 頸動脈 (Carotid Arteries) 138
69. 上頷動脈 (Maxillary Artery) 140
70. 口部與咽部區域的動脈 (Arteries of Oral and Pharyngeal Regions) 142
71. 口部與咽部區域的靜脈 (Veins of Oral and Pharyngeal Regions) 144
72. 腦部的動脈:下面觀 (Arteries of Brain: Inferior View) 146
73. 硬腦膜靜脈竇 (Dural Venous Sinuses) 148
74. 顏面表層與腮腺 (Superficial Face and Parotid Gland) 150
75. 淚器 (Lacrimal Apparatus) 152
76. 眼球:水平切面 (Eyeball: Horizontal Section) 154
77. 耳:額骨冠狀切面 (Ear: Frontal Section) 156
78. 鼻腔的外側壁 (Lateral Wall of Nasal Cavity) 158
79. 唾腺 (Salivary Glands) 160
80. 副甲狀腺與甲狀腺:後面觀 (Parathyroid and Thyroid Glands: Posterior View) 162
81. 咽部:切開後的後面觀 (Pharynx: Opened Posterior View) 164
背部與脊髓 (Back and Spinal Cord)
82. 脊柱 (Vertebral Column) 168
83. 頸椎 (Cervical Vertebrae) 170
84. 胸椎 (Thoracic Vertebrae) 172
85. 腰椎 (Lumbar Vertebra) 174
86. 腰椎 (Lumbar Vertebrae) 176
87. 脊椎韌帶:腰區(Vertebral Ligaments: Lumbar Region) 178
88. 薦骨與尾骨 (Sacrum and Coccyx) 180
89. 小菱形肌、大菱形肌 (Rhomboid Minor, Rhomboid Major) 182
90. 後上鋸肌、後下鋸肌 (Serratus Posterior Superior, Serratus Posterior Inferior) 184
91. 背部的肌肉:中間層 (Muscles of Back: Intermediate Layers) 186
92. 豎脊肌 (Erector Spinae) 188
93. 背部的肌肉:深層 (Muscles of Back: Deep Layers) 190
94. 頭夾肌、頸夾肌 (Splenius Capitis, Splenius Cervicis) 192
95. 頭半棘肌 (Semispinalis Capitis) 194
96. 上頭斜肌 (Obliquus Capitis Superior) 196
97. 下頭斜肌 (Obliquus Capitis Inferior) 198
98. 後頭直小肌、後頭直大肌 (Rctus Capitis Posterior Minor, Rectus Capitis Posterior Major) 200
99. 原位的脊髓與腹枝 (Spinal Cord and Ventral Rami In Situ) 202
100. 脊髓膜與神經根 (Meninges and Nerve Roots) 204
101. 脊神經的起源:橫切面 (Spinal Nerve Origin: Cross Section) 206
102. 枕骨下三角 (Suboccipital Triangle) 208
103. 脊髓的動脈:內部分佈 (Arteries of Spinal Cord: Intrinsic Distribution) 210
104. 脊柱靜脈叢與脊髓的靜脈 (Veins of the Vertebral Venous Plexus and Spinal Cord) 212
胸部 (Thorax)
105. 胸腔的骨架結構 (Bony Framework of Thorax) 216
106. 肋椎關節 (Costovertebral Joints) 218
107. 外肋間肌 (External Intercostals) 220
108. 內肋間肌 (Internal Intercostals) 222
109. 最內肋間肌、胸橫肌(Innermost Intercostals, Transversus Thoracis) 224
110. 前鋸肌 (Serratus Anterior) 226
111. 呼吸的肌肉群 (Muscles of Respiration) 228
112. 食道的肌肉 (Musculature of Esophagus) 230
113. 典型的胸部脊神經 (Typical Thoracic Spinal Nerve) 232
114. 心臟的神經 (Nerves of Heart) 234
115. 食道與胸腔後壁的神經 (Nerves of Esophagus and Posterior Thoracic Wall) 236
1116. 肋間動脈 (Intercostal Arteries) 238
117. 心臟:由前面打開 (Heart: Anterior Exposure) 240
118. 冠狀動脈與心靜脈 (Coronary Arteries and Cardiac Veins) 242
119. 食道的動脈 (Arteries of Esophagus) 244
120. 奇靜脈系統 (Azygos Venous System) 246
121. 乳腺 (Mammary Gland) 248
122. 原位的肺臟:前面觀 (Lungs In Situ: Anteriow View) 250
123. 肺臟:內面觀 (Lungs: Medial Views) 252
124. 原位的心臟 (Heart In Situ) 254
125. 心包囊 (Pericardial Sac) 256
126. 右心房 (Right Atrium) 258
127. 右心室 (Right Ventricle) 260
128. 左心房與心室 (Left Atrium and Ventricle) 262
129. 左心房與心室 (Left Atrium and Ventricle) 264
130. 心臟的瓣膜與纖維性架構 (Valves and Fibrous Skeleton of Heart) 266
131. 縱膈:在T8處橫切面的上面觀 [Mediastinum: Cross Section at the Level of T8 Vertebra (Superior View)] 268
腹部 (Abdomen)
132. 腹部的骨架 (Bony Framework of Abdomen) 274
133. 腹外斜肌:肌肉部 (A),腱膜部 (B) (External Abdominal Oblique: Muscular Part (a), Aponeurotic Part (b)) 276
134. 腹內斜肌 (Internal Oblique) 278
135. 腹直肌 (Rectus Abdominis) 280
136. 提睪肌 (Cremaster Muscle) 282
137. 腰方肌 (Quadratus Lumborum) 284
138. 橫膈 (Diaphragm) 28
139. 腹部的自主神經與神經節 (Autonomic Nerves and Ganglia of Abdomen) 288
140. 自主反射路徑:模式圖 (Autonomic Reflex Pathways: Schema) 290
141. 腎臟、輸尿管與膀胱的神經 (Nerves of Kidneys, Ureters and Urinary Bladder) 292
142. 前腹壁的靜脈 (Veins of Anterior Abdominal Wall) 294
143. 胃部、肝臟與脾臟的動脈 (Arteries of Stomach, Liver and Spleen) 296
144. 大腸的動脈 (Arteries of Large Intestine) 298
145. 後腹壁的動脈 (Arteries of Posterior Abdominal Wall) 300
146. 原位的腎動脈與靜脈 (Renal Artery and Vein In Situ) 302
147. 後腹壁的靜脈 (Veins of Posterior Abdominal Wall) 304
148. 肝門靜脈的分佈 (Hepatic portal Vein Tributaries) 306
149. 大網膜與腹部的器官 (Greater Omentum and Abdominal Viscera) 308
150. 網膜囊:胃反摺 (Omental Bursa: Stomach Reflected) 310
151. 網膜囊:橫切面 (Omental Bursa: Cross Section) 312
152. 膽囊與肝外膽管 (Gallbladder and Extrahepatic Bile Ducts) 314
153. 肝臟的表面 (Surfaces of Liver) 316
154. 小腸的黏膜與肌肉 (Mucosa and Musculature of Small Intestine) 318
155. 腎臟的大體結構 (Gross Structure of Kidney) 320
156. 腹腔壁與內臟:正中(矢狀)切面 Abdominal Wall and Viscera: Median (Sagittal) Section] 322
157. 在T12高度處的腹部橫切面模式圖:上面觀(Schematic Cross Section of Abdomen at T12: Superior View) 324
158. 在L2、3高度處的腹部橫切面模式圖:上面觀(Schematic Cross Section of Abdomen at L2,3: Superior View) 326
骨盆腔與會陰 (Pelvis and Perineum)
159. 骨盆腔的骨頭與韌帶(Bones and Ligaments of Pelvis) 330
160. 提肛肌:恥骨直腸肌、恥骨尾骨肌與髂骨尾骨肌(Levator Ani: Puborectalis, Pubococcygeus, Iliococcygeus) 332
161.(坐骨)尾骨肌 ((Ischio-)Coccygeus) 334
162. 女性的會陰 (Female Perineum) 336
163. 尿道壓迫肌、尿道陰道括約肌 (Compressor Urethrae, Sphincter Urethrovaginalis) 338
164. 尿道括約肌(女性)(Sphincter Urethrae (Female)) 340
165. 男性的會陰 (Male Perineum) 342
166. 尿道括約肌(男性)(Sphincter Urethrae (Male)) 344
167. 外肛門括約肌 (External Anal Sphincter) 346
168. 骨盆內臟的神經:女性 (Nerves of Pelvic Viscera: Female) 348
169. 會陰與外生殖器的神經:女性 (Nerves of Perineum & External Genitalia: Female) 350
170. 會陰的神經:男性 (Nerves of Perineum: Male) 352
171. 女性骨盆腔內的動脈 (Arteries of the Female Pelvis) 354
172. 女性會陰的動脈與靜脈 (Arteries and Veins of Female Perineum) 356
173. 男性骨盆腔內的動脈 (Arteries and Veins of Male Pelvis) 358
174. 男性會陰的動脈與靜脈 (Arteries and Veins of Male Perineum) 360
175. 女性骨盆腔內的結構:上面觀(Female Pelvic Contents: Superior View) 362
176. 女性的會陰 (Female Perineum) 364
177. 男性骨盆腔內的結構:上面觀(Male Pelvic Contents: Superior View) 366
178. 男性的會陰與陰莖 (Male Perineum and Penis) 368
上肢 (Upper Limb)
179. 肱骨與肩胛骨:前面觀 (Humerus and Scapula: Anteriow View) 374
180. 肱骨與肩胛骨:後面觀 (Humerus and Scapula: Posterior View) 376
181. 肩(盂肱)關節:前面觀[Shoulder (Glenohumeral) Joint: Anterior View] 378
182. 肩(盂肱)關節:側面觀[Shoulder (Glenohumeral) Joint: Lateral View] 380
183. 手肘的骨骼:伸展的動作 (Bones of Elbow: In Extension) 382
184. 手肘的骨骼:90度彎曲時 (Bones of Elbow: In 90?Flexion) 384
185. 手肘的韌帶 (Ligaments of Elbow) 386
186. 前臂的骨骼 (Bones of Forearm) 388
187. 手腕與手掌的骨骼 (Bones of Wrist and Hand) 390
188. 手腕的韌帶:掌面觀(Ligaments of Wrist: Palmar View) 392
189. 手腕的韌帶:後面觀(Ligaments of Wrist: Posterior View) 394
190. 掌指韌帶與指間韌帶:內側觀(Metacarpophalangeal and Interphalangeal Ligaments:Medial View) 396
191. 掌指韌帶與指間韌帶:前面觀 (Metacarpophalangeal and Interphalangeal Ligaments:Anterior View) 398
192. 斜方肌 (Trapezius) 400
193. 闊背肌 (Latissimus Dorsi) 402
194. 提肩胛肌 (Levator Scapulae) 404
195. 三角肌 (Deltoid) 406196. 棘上肌、棘下肌 (Supraspinatus Muscle, Infraspinatus Muscle) 408
197. 小圓肌與大圓肌 (Teres Minor and Teres Major) 410
198. 肩胛下肌 (Subscapularis) 412
199. 胸大肌 (Pectoralis Major) 414
200. 肱二頭肌 (Biceps Brachii) 416
201. 喙肱肌 (Coracobrachialis) 418
202. 肱肌 (Brachialis) 420
203. 肱三頭肌與肘肌 (Triceps Brachii and Anconeus) 422
204. 上臂:連續切面圖 (Arm: Serial Cross Section) 424
205. 旋前圓肌、旋前方肌 (Pronator Teres, Pronator Quadratus) 426
206. 橈側屈腕肌 (Flexor Carpi Radialis) 428
207. 掌長肌 (Palmaris Longus) 430
208. 尺側屈腕肌 (Flexor Carpi Ulnaris) 432
209. 屈指淺肌 (Flexor Digitorum Superficialis) 434
210. 屈指深肌 (Flexor Digitorum Profundus) 436
211. 屈拇長肌 (Flexor Pollicis Longus) 438
212. 旋後肌 (Supinator) 440
213. 橈側伸腕長肌 (Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus) 442
214. 橈側伸腕短肌 (Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis) 444
215. 伸指肌 (Extensor Digitorum) 446
216. 伸小指肌 (Extensor Digiti Minimi) 448
217. 尺側伸腕肌 (Extensor Carpi Ulnaris) 450
218. 外展拇長肌 (Abductor Pollicis Longus) 452
219. 伸拇短肌 (Extensor Pollicis Brevis) 454
220. 伸拇長肌 (Extensor Pollicis Longus) 456
221. 伸食指肌 (Extensor Indicis) 458
222. 前臂:連續橫切面(Muscles in a Cross Section of the Forearm) 460
223. 外展拇短肌 (Abductor Pollicis Brevis) 462
224. 屈拇短肌 (Flexor Pollicis Brevis) 464
225. 拇指對掌肌 (Opponens Pollicis) 466
226. 內收拇長肌 (Adductor Pollicis) 468
227. 外展小指肌 (Abductor Digiti Minimi) 470
228. 屈小指短肌 (Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis) 472
229. 小指對掌肌 (Opponens Digiti Minimi) 474
230. 蚓狀肌 (Lumbrical Muscles) 476
231. 背側骨間肌 (Dorsal Interosseous Muscles) 478
232. 掌側骨間肌 (Palmar Interosseous Muscles) 480
233. 手掌的橫切面 (Cross-Section of the Palm) 482
234. 臂神經叢:模式圖 (Brachial Plexus: Schema) 484
235. 上臂處的橈神經與肩部後方的神經 (Radial Nerve in Arm and Nerves of Posterior Shoulder) 486
236. 上肢的神經 (Nerves of Upper Limb) 488
237. 手部的內在肌肉 (Intrinsic Muscles of Hand) 490
238. 肩部與上臂的皮神經與淺層靜脈 (Cutaneous Nerves and Superficial Veins of Shoulder and Arm) 492
239. 前臂的皮神經與淺層靜脈 (Cutaneous Nerves and Superficial Veins of Forearm) 494
2240. 肩胛骨周圍的動脈 (Arteries Around The Scapula) 496
241. 肱動脈與手肘處的吻合 (Brachial Artery and Anastomoses Around Elbow) 498
242. 手部的動脈:掌面觀 (Arteries of Hand: Palmar View) 500
下肢 (Lower Limb)
243. 髖骨(臀骨):外側觀[Hip (Coxal) Bone: Lateral View] 506
244. 髖骨(臀骨):內側觀[Hip (Coxal) Bone: Medial View] 508
245. 髖關節:外側觀 (Hip Joint: Lateral View) 510
246. 髖關節:前面觀與後面觀(Hip Joint: Anterior and Posterior View) 512
247. 股骨 (Femur) 514
248. 脛骨與腓骨 (Tibia and Fibula) 516
249. 膝關節:十字韌帶與側韌帶 (Knee: Cruciate and Collateral Ligaments) 518
250. 膝蓋:內部(上面觀)Knee: Interior (Superior View)] 520
251. 膝蓋:內部(下面觀)[Knee: Interior: (Inferior View)] 522
252. 足部的骨骼 (Bones of Foot) 524
253. 腳踝的韌帶與肌腱:外側觀(Ligaments and Tendons of Ankle: Lateral View) 526
254. 腳踝的韌帶與肌腱:內側觀(Ligaments and Tendons of Ankle: Medial View) 528
255. 足部的韌帶與肌腱:足底觀 (Ligaments and Tendons of Foot: Plantar View) 530
256. 腰大肌 (Psoas Major) 532
257. 髂肌 (Iliacus Muscle) 534
258. 張闊筋膜 (Tensor Fasciae Latae) 536
259. 縫匠肌 (Sartorius) 538
260. 股直肌 (Rectus Femoris) 540
261. 股外側肌 (Vastus Lateralis) 542
262. 股中間肌 (Vastus Intermedius) 544
263. 股內側肌 (Vastus Medialis) 546
264. 恥骨肌 (Pectineus) 548
265. 內收長肌 (Adductor Longus) 550
266. 內收短肌 (Adductor Brevis) 552
267. 閉孔外肌 (Obturator Externus) 554
268. 內收大肌 (Adductor Magnus) 556
269. 股薄肌 (Gracilis) 558
270. 臀大肌 (Gluteus Maximus) 560
271. 臀中肌 (Gluteus Medius) 562
272. 臀小肌 (Gluteus Minimus) 564
273. 梨狀肌 (Piriformis) 566
274. 上孖肌與下孖肌(Superior Gemellus and Inferior Gemellus) 568
275. 閉孔內肌 (Obturator Internus) 570
276. 股方肌 (Quadratus Femoris) 572
277. 半腱肌 (Semitendinosus) 574
278. 半膜肌 (Semimembranosus) 576
279. 股二頭肌:短頭、長頭 (Biceps Femoris: Short Head, Long Head) 578
280. 大腿的肌肉 (Thigh Muscles) 580
281. 腓長肌 (Fibularis (Peroneus) Longus) 582
282. 腓短肌 (Fibularis (Peroneus) Brevis) 584
283. 脛前肌 (Tibialis Anterior) 586
284. 伸C長肌 (Extensor Hallucis Longus) 588
285. 伸趾長肌 (Extensor Digitorum Longus) 590
286. 腓腸肌 (Gastrocnemius) 592
287. 比目魚肌 (Soleus) 594
288. 蹠肌 (Plantaris) 596
289. 膕肌 (Popliteus) 598
290. 屈C長肌 (Flexor Hallucis Longus) 600
291. 屈趾長肌 (Flexor Digitorum Longus) 602
292. 脛骨後肌 (Tibialis Posterior) 604
293. 小腿:橫切面 (Leg: Cross Section) 606
294. 外展C趾肌 (Abductor Hallucis) 608
295. 屈趾短肌 (Flexor Digitorum Brevis) 610
296. 外展小趾肌 (Abductor Digiti Minimi) 612
297. 屈C短肌 (Flexor Hallucis Brevis) 614
298. 蹠方肌 (Quadratas Plantae) 616
299. 屈小趾短肌 (Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis) 618
300. 蚓狀肌 (Lumbrical Muscles) 620
301. 內收C趾肌(橫頭與斜頭)(Adductor Hallucis (Transverse and Oblique Heads)) 622
302. 背側骨間肌 (Dorsal Interosseous Muscles) 624
303. 掌側骨間肌 (Plantar Interosseous Muscles) 626
304. 腰神經叢 (Lumbar Plexus) 628
305. 臀部與大腿的神經:後面觀 (Nerves of the Gluteal Region and Thigh: Posterior View) 630
306. 總腓神經 [Common Fibular (Peroneal) Nerve] 632
307. 脛神經 (Tibial Nerve) 634
308. 下肢的淺層神經與靜脈:前面觀 (Superficial Nerves and Veins of Lower Limb: Anterior View) 636
309. 下肢的淺層神經與靜脈:後面觀 Superficial Nerves and Veins of Lower Limb: Posterior View) 638
310. 大腿與膝蓋的動脈:模式圖 (Arteries of Thigh and Knee: Schema) 640
311. 小腿的動脈:前面觀 (Arteries of the Leg: Anterior View) 642
312. 小腿的動脈:後面觀 (Arteries of the Leg: Posterior View) 644
313. 足底的動脈 (Arteries of Sole of Foot) 646