Cranial Nerves: Function & Dysfunction

3503n-5031/ 9781607950318

ISBN/ 9781607950318
作者/出版商 Wilson-Pauwels/PMPH-USA
出版年代/版次 2010/ 3

定價NT$ 1,900
NT$ 1,805

重量:0.7kg  頁數:250    裝訂:平裝  開數:28.1 x 21.5  印刷:彩色

Cranial Nerves: Function & Dysfunction 3e presents problem-based learning cases and clinical testing in a visual format. Cranial Nerves 3e targets students studying neuroanatomy and gross anatomy for the first time across the health sciences. The text guides users through pertinent information and color-coded functional drawings of the pathways/modalities from the periph¬ery of the body to the brain (sensory input) and from the brain to the periphery (motor output). Each pathway is described according to the direction of the nerve impulse, not according to the embryologic outgrowth of the nerve. Cranial Nerves: Function & Dysfunction 3e separates the nerve fiber modalities, thereby highlighting important clinical aspects of each nerve.