Yatiraj /Jaypee
重量:0.65kg 頁數:298 裝訂:平裝 開數:28 x 21.5 cm 印刷:單色
• Includes 20 question papers (Revised Scheme 2 and 3) of Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science (RGUHS), Karnataka, India.
• 5 special sample papers covering all questions from revised scheme and old scheme.
• Course contents of Revised Scheme 3 and examination pattern prescribed by the university also included.
• Format similar to other books by the author to make it user friendly.
• All the questions are answered to reduce the workload on the student.
• Also included are figures that are essential and sufficient for the question.
• Questions are answered as per the marks allotted to them.
• Answers are selected from the books commonly referred by the students to avoid confusion during revision for university examination.