Step by Step Regional Anaesthesia with Photo CD-ROM

4203r-9004/ 9781848290044

ISBN/ 9781848290044 作 者/ 出版商Kumar/ Anshan出版年代/ 版次2008/ 1

定價NT$ 700
NT$ 665

頁數:216    裝訂:平裝  開數:17.4 x 12.1

This manual covers every relevant aspect of regional anesthesia and analgesia with particular emphasis on the basic practical applications. It is intended to provide a concise source of information in a simple easy-to-understand style, so that conduction blocks can be practised confidently for better patient care. Step by Step Regional Anesthesia contains over 100 line drawings and explanatory diagrams which illustrate the commonly used techniques of conduction block, including nerve blocks, and which are also given on a free-photo CD Rom.

This is the very first handy pocket manual on the subject, and will prove to be a useful revision aid for medical students as well as a valuable reference guidebook of regional anesthesia/analgesia for practising anesthetists at all levels.