The Endocrine System at a Glance

3181E-3215/ 9781444332155

ISBN/ 9781444332155
作者/出版商 Greenstein/Wiley-Blackwell
出版年代/版次 2011/ 3

定價NT$ 750
NT$ 713

頁數:143 裝訂:平裝  開數:27.5*22  印刷:彩色 重量:0.45KG

The Endocrine System at a Glance provides a highly illustrated and unambiguous introduction to the basic principles and mechanisms of endocrinology and the key endocrine organs, followed by sections on reproductive and metabolic endocrinology. Clinical scenarios contextualise the basic science and illustrate how endocrine conditions present, are diagnosed, and are treated on the wards.
This third edition:

•Includes new material on basic diagnostic tests used in the diagnosis of endocrine disorders
•Features new material on cancer and endocrinology
•Includes MCQs for each chapter
The Endocrine System at a Glance is ideal for all medical students studying endocrinology and revising for final exams, as well as preparing for clinical attachments. The book is also suitable for those training in allied health professions and nurses specialising in endocrinology.