Diabetes Clinical Case Series-II

318-0225/ 9789352702251

ISBN/ 9789352702251
作者/出版商 Mohan /Jaypee
出版年代/版次 2018/ 1

定價NT$ 1,401
NT$ 1,331

重量:0.3kg  頁數:165  裝訂:平裝 開數:24.2 x 15.9 cm 印刷:雙色+彩圖

Diabetes Clinical Case Series - 2 is the second volume in a three-volume series on diabetes. The book provides a selection of cases reflecting the types of diabetes, related conditions and potential complications in different segments of the population. Divided into 20 chapters, the book features a range of topics, including stress-related diabetes, gestational diabetes, diabetes with renal problems, Cushing's Syndrome and diabetes, Charcot Foot and Ankle, diabetic retinopathy, Werner Syndrome, and much more. Each chapter begins with a real-life case scenario, followed by guidance on its management, combining evidence-based medicine with the authors' clinical experience, to provide an authoritative guide for endocrinologists. Key Points Second of three volumes in Diabetes Clinical Case Series 20 chapters featuring real cases and guidance on management diabetes in different segments of the population Authoritative guide combining evidence-based medicine and clinical experience Diabetes Clinical Case Series - 1 (9789352500321) published in 2016