Maloney-Newton /Elsevier
重量:1.16KG 頁數:526 裝訂:平裝 開數:27.5*21.5 cm 印刷:彩色
Find oncology information fast with this concise, all-in-one clinical reference! Mosby's Oncology Nursing Advisor, 3rd Edition uses a streamlined format to provide quick access to the most essential information on oncology nursing care. Evidence-based guidelines include topics such as the major cancers, principles of cancer management, and principles of symptom management, as well as oncologic emergencies, palliative care, and nursing practice considerations. This edition includes new information on cancer treatments, genetic risk, chemotherapy guidelines, and more. Written by a team of oncology nursing experts led by Susan Maloney-Newton, this book is ideal for use in any oncology nursing setting.