Nicholas / LWW
2023 / 4
重量:1.4kg 頁數:640 裝訂:平裝 開數:27.5*21.3 cm 印刷:彩色
封底附密碼函,僅提供部份線上教學資源(Resources for Instructors and Students)
An essential reference for coursework, exam preparation, clinical rotations, and day-to-day clinical practice,Atlas of Osteopathic Techniquesdelivers step-by-step, full-color guidance on manipulative methods commonly taught and used in osteopathic medical education and practice. This highly visual one-of-a-kind reference features more than 1,000 vibrant photos and illustrations and 250 accompanying videos depict specific manipulations, examinations, techniques, and anatomical demonstrations.
Easy to navigate and rich with engaging learning features, the 4th edition of this bestselling, one-of-a-kind resource reflects the most up-to-date information on basic anatomical concepts and techniques to help users confidently comprehend and apply them.