
重量:0.64KG 頁數:350 裝訂:平裝 開數:24*17 cm 印刷:彩色

Quick Overview

This manual of cardiorespiratory disorders was brought out to help the students understand the concepts of the subject better and revise the subject during the examinations with the help of mnemonics. It addresses the history taking in and the examination of both systems in detail to arrive at a logical diagnosis. It caters mainly to the needs of postgraduates, but undergraduates and students of allied health sciences may also find selective chapters useful.

Key Features

  • This manual is the second of this kind following the earlier publication of the Neurology manual by the same author.
  • It is brought out with the intention of serving the needs of the postgraduates in Internal Medicine though certain sections would be useful and appealing to the undergraduates.
  • Exam-oriented topics are selected and dealt with in the chapters starting from the basics and going on to cover the advanced materials and rare syndromes which fall under the ""nice to know"" category, thus ensuring their completeness.
  • The basis of interpretation of each clinical sign is explained in detail.
  • Illustrations are an added attraction.
  • Mnemonics in the book help in the joyful reading and easy assimilation of the facts.
  • Important statements are stressed by underlining them or printing them in italics.
  • Recent advances in the relevant chapters and investigations both interventional and non-interventional have been briefly incorporated.