Gastroenterology and Hepatology Manual: A Clinician''s Guide to a Global Phenomenon

315g3-8557/ 9780070285576

ISBN/ 9780070285576
作者/出版商 Segal /McGraw-Hill
出版年代/版次 2011/ 1

定價NT$ 1,600
NT$ 1,520

重量:0.5kg  頁數:542    裝訂:軟皮精裝  開數:18.2*11.5  印刷:雙色

About the book

The rise of international travel has given previously region-specific diseases a global presence. The book is aimed at students, interns, fellows and health care providers. It contains chapters devoted to clinical examination and an outline of how to approach common problems encountered at the bedside. The format and style of the book allows common clinical problems to be identified and recognised within the framework of a global perspective.

Key Features
•Fourth book in the Quick Flick Series
•Truly international topic and content
•Succinct Chapters by SMEs
•Divided into sections and covers gastro, hepatology, pancreatic disorders and a unique section on traditional medicine
•Essential for doctors in Australia who are now faced with a broader range of diseases that ever due to travel and immigration
•Ensures Doctors will keep up to date and prevent pitfalls in diagnosis

Table of contents

Section 1 - An overview
1. Introduction
2. A global phenomenon: medicine without frontiers

Section 2 - Gastrointestinal diseases
Part A: Clinical assessments
3. Acute and chronic abdominal pain
Part B: Western diseases spreading their wings
4. Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
5. Irritable bowel syndrome
6. Changing patterns of inflammatory bowel disease in a global context (ulcerative colitis)
7. Changing patterns of inflammatory bowel disease in a global context (Crohn's disease)
8. Constipation
9. Colorectal cancer
Part C: Diseases of emerging countries making inroads globally
10. Gastrointestinal tuberculosis versus Crohn's disease
11. Traveller's diarrhoea
12. Cholera
13. Malaria
14. Leptospirosis
15. Listeriosis
16. Amoebiasis
17. Schistosomiasis: global impact
Part D: Diseases in the melting pot
18. Giardiasis, cryptosporidiosis and cyclosporiasis
19. Gastrointestinal disorders in HIV infection and other sexually transmitted infections
Part E: Cancers of the gastrointestinal tract
20. Cancer of the oesophagus: intercontinental variations
21. Global trends in gastric cancer: association with Helicobacer pylori and other factors
22. Clinical aspects of gastric cancer
Part F: Preventative gastroenterology
23. Preventative gastroenterology
Part G: Nutrition
24. Nutritional evaluation: a paradigm shift in the twenty-first century
25. Impact on children of global nutritional breakdown
Part H: Gastrointestinal tools
26. Gastrointestinal Bleeding
27. Gastrointestinal endoscopy: an overview
28. Alimentary tract imaging

Section 3 - Pancreatic Diseases
29. Acute pancreatitis
30. Chronic pancreatitis
31. Pancreatic Cancer
32. Imaging of the pancreas

Section 4 - Hepatology
Part A: Diseases evoking a global impact
33. Cirrhosis and complications
34. Acute liver failure
35. Acute hepatitis
36. Hepatitis B infection
37. Hepatitis C infection
38. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
39. Alcoholic liver disease
40. Hepatocellular carcinoma
41. Hepatic imaging
Part B: Biliary diseases
42. Gallstones and their sequelae
43. Neoplasms of the gall bladder and biliary tracts
44. Imaging of the biliary tract

Section 5 - Traditional cultural medicine
45. Traditional Chinese medicine
46. Traditional Indian medicine