Pocket Clinician Obstetric Anesthesia

420502-0939/ 9780521709392

ISBN/ 9780521709392 作 者/ 出版商Pian-Smith/ Cambridge出版年代/ 版次2008/ 1

定價NT$ 800
NT$ 760

頁數:992    裝訂:平裝  開數:17.6 x 12.  印刷:黑白

Obstetric Anesthesia is a definitive, comprehensive and yet easily navigated reference for all anesthesia practitioners caring for women in labor. Designed to offer rapid access to information, it is suited as a convenient reference on the Labor Floor. Over 400 topics are covered in detail, including pharmacology, physiology, delivery of anesthesia, and management of co-existing diseases as they relate to pregnancy. A detailed formulary of common medications, emphasizing indications, contraindications, and maternal and fetal effects of the drugs is also included.

• All content presented in concise outline format for quick consultation • Small-size pocket guide for easy reference • Practical, clinically oriented presentation