頁數:198 裝訂:精裝 開數:28.4*22 印刷:彩色
Even with the option of dental implants, periodontists, restorative dentists, and general dentists alike continue to treat patients' natural teeth on a day-to-day basis. Procedures including crown lengthening surgery, furcation treatment, mucogingival therapy, and tooth restoration are essential treatment regimes requiring multifaceted expertise. Periodontal-Restorative Interrelationships: Ensuring Clinical Success provides guidelines for comprehensive treatment planning, and features step-by-step clinical instruction for periodontal and restorative procedures from beginning to end. As a result, the book fosters better understanding and increased efficiencies between specialties, resulting in shorter treatment times and consistently better therapeutic outcomes.
Periodontal-Restorative Interrelationships: Ensuring Clinical Success begins with a careful discussion of treatment planning, comprehensively covering all variables in simple to complex cases. Subsequent chapters focus upon the most commonly encountered clinical challenges, using a systematic, easy-to-follow approach to various treatment methodologies. All chapters are well-illustrated with clinical examples. Firmly grounded in evidence-based research, the book affords clinicians from multiple specialties a practical guide for predictable, successful results. Accessible and logically organized, Periodontal-Restorative Interrelationships is an invaluable reference for all clinicians performing these procedures.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Examination and Diagnosis (Paul Fugazzotto and Sergio DePaoli).
Establishing an Appropriate Treatment Plan.
Determining Periodontal Treatment Endpoints.
Rationale for Pocket-Elimination Periodontal Surgery.
Junctional Epithelial Adhesion or Connective Tissue Attachment?
The Signifi cance of Furcation Involvements.
The Infl uence of Restorative Margins.
Does Pocket-Elimination Therapy Work?
Chapter 2 The Role of Crown-Lengthening Therapy (Paul Fugazzotto).
Management of the Apico-occlusal Dimension.
Incision Design.
Chapter 3 Treating the Periodontally Involved Furcation (Paul Fugazzotto).
Defi nitions of Furcation Involvements.
Diagnosing Premolar Furcation Involvements.
Treatment of Class I Furcations.
Treatment of Class II Furcations.
Treatment of Class III Furcations.
Maxillary vs. Mandibular Furcations.
Selecting the Appropriate Treatment Modality.
Chapter 4 The Role of Mucogingival Therapy (Paul Fugazzotto).
Indications for Mucogingival Surgery.
Nonattached Gingival Autografts.
Lateral Pedicle Flaps.
Connective-Tissue Grafts.
Guided Tissue Regeneration.
Indications for Emdogain Use.
Constructing a Clinically Based Treatment Decision Tree.
Mucogingival Therapy at the Time of Crown-Lengthening Surgery.
Chapter 5 Restoration of the Periodontally Treated Tooth (Frederick Hains).
The Feather.
The Chamfer.
The Shoulder.
Periodontal Ramifi cations and Prosthetic Adaptations.
Chapter 6 Developing Treatment Algorithms for Restoration or Replacement of the Compromised Tooth (Paul Fugazzotto and Frederick Hains).
Diagnostic Requirements.
Assessing the Individual Tooth.
The Ability to Safely Perform Crown-Lengthening Surgery.
Endodontic Considerations.
Implant Receptor Site Considerations.
Assessing Cost-Benefi t Ratios.
Complexity of Care.
Predictability of Care.
The Cost of Retreatment.