Hockenberry /Elsevier
重量:0.89KG 頁數:366 裝訂:平裝圈圈 開數:27.5*21.5 cm 印刷:彩色
封底附密碼函,僅提供線上學習資源(Student Resources on Evolve/Access Code Inside)
Put pediatric nursing guidelines, procedures, and reference data at your fingertips! Wong's Clinical Manual of Pediatric Nursing, 9th Edition is your "go-to" guide for the care of children and their families, whether in the hospital, clinic, community setting, or home. Reflecting the latest in research and evidence-based practice, the book provides assessment tools and new information on pediatric pain assessment and management. Also new to this edition are case studies with questions for the Next Generation NCLEX® Examination. Written by pediatric expert Marilyn J. Hockenberry, Wong’s Clinical Manual includes an Evolve website with medication tables, photos, printable patient education sheets, and more.