重量:2.15kg 頁數:818 裝訂:精裝 開數: 28.6 x 22.3 cm 印刷:彩色
With this new 6th Edition,Exercise Physiology for Health, Fitness, and Performancecontinues to provide an authoritative resource for mastering exercise physiology. This engaging, accessible and approachable resource integrates theoretical and research-based basic exercise physiology with real-world application to prepare students for exciting positions in exercise science, fitness, physical education, athletic training, rehabilitation, coaching, and/or allied health professions.
Updated throughout, the text uses sound pedagogical principles to explain scientific research that is the foundation of exercise physiology and incorporates multiple features to help students apply their knowledge to improve human health, fitness, and performance. Content in this edition is organized by independent units (Metabolic, Cardiovascular-Respiratory, Neuromuscular-Skeletal, and Neuroendocrine-Immune), offering maximum teaching flexibility for faculty and ensuring a consistent, efficient, and effective learning experience for students.