Respiratory: An Integrated Approach to Disease



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About the book

An innovative, organ-specific text that blends basic science with the fundamentals of clinical medicine

Part of the Human Organ Systems series, Respiratory: An Integrated Approach to Disease skillfully bridges the gap between the science and practice of medicine. This beautifully illustrated book seamlessly integrates the core elements of cell biology, anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, and pathology with clinical medicine. It is the perfect companion for medical students transitioning to their clinical years, as well as for practicing physicians who need a user-friendly update on the basic science underlying the practice of clinical medicine.

Features and highlights include:
•Detailed learning objectives clearly state learning goals
•Key concepts are emphasized in every chapter
•The latest developments in the field are incorporated throughout the text
•Numerous high-quality illustrations with detailed legends clarify important or difficult concepts
•Clinical Correlations highlight the clinical implications of basic science
•Each chapter is accompanied by an annotated bibliography to enhance the learning experience and provide an overview of the critical literature in the field
•End-of-chapter case-based questions with detailed explanations reinforce important concepts and assess understanding of the material
•A valuable Glossary of common phrases, terms, abbreviations, and acronyms

Table of contents
Anatomy and Physiology of the Respiratory System
1. Respiratory System Nomenclature and Ambient Conditions, Lechner
2. Development and Functional Anatomy of the Lungs and Airways,Brink & Lechner
3. Mechanisms of O2 and CO2 Transport by Erythrocytes, Lechner
4. Principles of Lung Ventilation and Spirometry, Lechner
5. Surfactant Biology and Lung Compliance, Lechner & Mayo
6. Integrated Respiratory System Compliance and the Work of Breathing,Lechner
7. Pulmonary Circulation and Capillary Fluid Dynamics,Lechner
8. Ventilation/Perfusion Matching and Estimating Alveolar Ventilation, Lechner
9. Alveolar O2 and CO2 Exchange, Physiologic Shunt, and Acid-Base Balance, Lechner
10. Airway and Parenchymal Defense Mechanisms,Lechner & Matuschak
11. Central and Peripheral Neural Controls of Respiration, Panneton & Lechner
12. Importance and Derivation of Aerobic Capacity,Zavorsky & Lechner
13. Respiratory Responses to Extreme Environments, Zavorsky & Lechner
Evaluating Patients with Respiratory Diseases>br> 14. Conduct and Interpretation of the Basic Chest, Mootz & Matuschak
15. Interpreting X-rays and CT Scans of the Chest,Sachdeva & Matuschak
16. Pulmonary Function Testing, Plethysmography, & Diffusing Capacity, Zavorsky & Lechner
17. Blood Gas Analyses and Their Interpretation, Mayo & Lechner
18. Diagnostic Flexible Bronchoscopy, Stoeckel & Matuschak
19. Evaluating Sputum and Pleural Effusions, Mayo & Lechner
Obstructive and Restrictive Lung Diseases
20. Pathology of Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases, Brink & Lechner
21. Diagnosis and Management of Asthma, Espiritu & Matuschak
22. Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases,Espiritu & Matuschak
23. Pathology of Restrictive Lung Diseases, Brink
24. Management of Restrictive Lung Diseases, Nayak & Matuschak
25. Management of Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders, Espiritu & Matuschak
Inflammatory, Vascular, and Pleural Diseases
26. Pathology of Atelectatic, Vascular, and Iatrogenic Diseases of the Lungs and Pleural Space, Brink
27. Pulmonary Embolism, Sachdeva & Matuschak
28. Acute Lung Injury and the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Matuschak & Lechner
29. Pathophysiology and Diseases of the Pleural Space, Matuschak & Lechner
30. Principles and Goals of Mechanical Ventilation, Dmello & Matuschak
Cancer and Related Lung Masses
31. Pathology of Lung Tumors, Brink
32. Lung Cancer, Stoeckel & Matuschak
33. Diseases of the Upper Airways and Sinuses, Brink & Lechner
Infections of the Lung
34. Pathology of Lung Infections, Brink
35. Clinical Management of Pneumonias, Stoeckel & Matuschak
36. Mycobacterial Disease in the Lung, Sachdeva & Matuschak
Pediatric Lung Diseases
37. Congenital Anomalies of the Respiratory System, Albers & Lechner
38. Presentation and Management of Cystic Fibrosis, Noyes & Lechner
39. Neonatal RDS and the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Fleming, Panneton & Lechner
40. Lower Respiratory Tract Infections in Children, Noyes & Matuschak