Pocket Notebook: Pocket Medicine (IE) 平裝





Sabatine/ LWW



定價NT$ 1,600
(原版)Pocket Notebook: Pocket Medicine (Binder-Bound)(硬殼活頁)
(原版)Pocket Notebook: Pocket Medicine (Binder-Bound)(硬殼活頁)
定價NT$ 1,850
NT$ 1,500
麻州總醫院內科手冊(第七版)(Pocket Notebook: Pocket Medicine 7/e)
麻州總醫院內科手冊(第七版)(Pocket Notebook: Pocket Medicine 7/e)
定價NT$ 900
NT$ 810

重量:0.2kg 頁數:304 裝訂:平裝 開數: 17.1 x 9.8 cm 印刷:雙色

Pocket Medicine, 8th Edition, is a must-have resource for fast answers to the diagnostic and therapeutic questions you'll face on rounds and exams. Edited by Dr. Marc S. Sabatine and compiled by residents, fellows, and attending physicians at the world-renown Massachusetts General Hospital, this best-selling reference provides dependable, up-to-date information needed to make an accurate diagnosis and develop a state-of-the-art treatment plan. Featuring easily accessible bulleted lists, tables, and algorithms, this title provides focused coverage of internal medicine in the traditional, easy-to-use binding you know and love.

  • Offers fast and easy access to essential information on the most common disorders in cardiology, pulmonary medicine, gastroenterology, nephrology, hematology-oncology, infectious diseases, endocrinology, rheumatology, and neurology.
  • Includes references to landmark papers to help you intelligently answer questions on rounds–all from a trusted source acceptable for use on rounds.
  • Features user-friendly tabs and a two-color design to help you find information quickly, as well as a full-color, 16-page insert featuring radiology and pathology images.
  • Provides ideal coverage for medical students, interns, residents, advanced practice nurses and PAs.