
重量:0.9kg 頁數:326 裝訂:平裝 開數:27.8*21.4 cm 印刷:彩色

Quick Overview

The book is divided into nine sections arranging closely related subjects into clusters. There are a total of 38 chapters. Section 1 commences with introduction to thyroid disorders, Section 2 discusses the diagnostic approaches, Section 3 highlights all aspects of hypothyroidism, Section 4 encompasses disorders of thyroid hormone excess, Section 5 elaborates the entire spectrum of goiter, thyroid nodules and thyroid cancer, Section 6 focuses on thyroid disorders in women, Section 7 is exclusively devoted to thyroid disorders in children while Sections 8 and 9 address thyroid disorders in special situations and miscellaneous thyroid topics.

Key Features

  • Enhances understanding of thyroid disorders by addressing the challenges in diagnosis and management.
  • Carefully selected and current topics with an easily readable clinically applicable text devoted to thyroid disorders.
  • Covers management of thyroid disorders in special populations—neonates, children, adolescents, women, and elderly.
  • Written by well-recognized experts with experience in managing patients with thyroid disease.