重量:0.75kg 頁數:302 裝訂:平裝 開數:26.5*20.6cm 印刷:彩色
Quick Overview
The readers of this text will encounter a comprehensive and perspicacious view of the discipline of reproductive medicine as revealed by practicing fertility specialists of the day. The book has been designed to keep a balance of text and algorithms, flowcharts, diagrams, to provide comprehensive information in a concise and easy-to-understand format. Also, the memory for such diagrammatic presentation is long-lasting and it acts as a ready reckoner for clinicians in practice and students for their examinations. The contents are mainly practical problems faced by clinicians in day-to-day practice and the chapters have been contributed by experienced doctors working in the field of infertility and reproductive medicine incorporating their vast practical experience. The information provided in the textbook is based on evidence-based guidelines and clinical experience.
Key Features