Agabegi / LWW
重量:1.35kg 頁數:622 裝訂:平裝 開數:27.6 x 21.3 cm 印刷:彩色
Make the most of your study time and confidently take the next step in your medical career with this bestselling review.!
Step-Up to Medicine, 6th Edition, makes it easy to find information fast and take a confident next step toward a successful medical career. Ideal for preparing for clerkships or clinical rotations, shelf exams, and the USMLE Step 2, this bestselling volume in the popularStep-Upseries provides a high-yield review of medicine in a concise, comprehensive approach.
This 6th Edition is thoroughly updated and enhanced throughout. Clinical pearls, full-color illustrations, and Quick Hits provide essential information in an efficient, easy-to-remember manner to ensure excellence on exams and confidence in clinical settings, and a 100-question practice exam reinforces exam readiness and boosts test-taking confidence.