Singh / Jaypee
重量:0.33kg 頁數:133 裝訂:平裝 開數: 27.7*21.4 cm 印刷:黑白
Quick Overview
This logbook is designed as per the guidelines of NMC for implementation of competency-based curriculum and recommended to be followed for the MBBS students from the academic year 2019-20. This logbook is verified record of the progression of the learner documenting the acquisition of the requisite, knowledge, skills, attitude and competencies. It is a tool that guides medical students by highlighting important clinical objectives promoting self-reflection, providing an opportunity to obtain feedback from preceptors and the records can be used for formative and continuous assessment. Also, this logbook is an academic document that becomes both a snapshot of the progress of the learner as well as a prerequisite for progression to the next phase of learning or graduation from the course.
Key Features