Differential Diagnosis and Management for the Chiropractor: Protocols and Algorithms


Souza / Jones and Bartlett

定價NT$ 2,500
NT$ 2,375

重量:2.95kg 頁數:1344  裝訂:精裝  開數:28.2*22cm 印刷:雙色

The Fifth Edition of this best-selling reference is a compendium of evidence-based approaches to the most common presenting complaints.  Covering both musculoskeletal and visceral complaints, this text is intended to direct the chiropractor toward an appropriate plan of approach in both diagnostic evaluation and care. Highlighting these approaches are flowcharts (algorithms), relevant historical questioning, and summaries of common conditions related to the presenting complaint.

What’s New in the 5th Edition?
•    Additional disorders added to Selected Causes at the conclusion of chapters
•    Addition of Likelihood Ratio graphics
•    Addition of approximately 500 new references
•    New Appendix: Evidence Based Approach to the Literature
•    Expanded Appendix: Pharmacology for the Chiropractor includes newer drugs and further explains the classifications of medications mechanisms
•    Translation into Practice Summary (TIPS) for most of the orthopedic chapters
•    Updated Algorithms: Cervical Spine, Lumbar Spine, Shoulder, Knee

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  • Learning Objectives
  • Lecture Outlines in PowerPoint format
  • Sample Syllabus
  • Test Bank

Part  I  Musculoskeletal Complaints
  Chapter  1  General Approach to Musculoskeletal Complaints
  Chapter  2  Neck and Neck/Arm Complaints
  Chapter  3  Temporomandibular Complaints
  Chapter  4  Thoracic Spine Complaints
  Chapter  5  Scoliosis
  Chapter  6  Lumbopelvic Complaints
  Chapter  7  Shoulder Girdle Complaints
  Chapter  8  Elbow Complaints
  Chapter  9  Wrist and Forearm Complaints
  Chapter  10  Finger and Thumb Complaints
  Chapter  11  Hip, Groin, and Thigh Complaints
  Chapter  12  Knee Complaints
  Chapter  13  Lower Leg Complaints
  Chapter  14  Foot and Ankle complaints
Part  II  Neurologic Complaints
  Chapter  15  Weakness
  Chapter  16  Numbness, Tingling, and Pain
  Chapter  17  Headache
  Chapter  18  Dizziness
  Chapter  19  Seizures
Part  III  General Concerns
  Chapter  20  Depression
  Chapter  21  Fatigue
  Chapter  22  Fever
  Chapter  23  Sleep and Related Complaints
  Chapter  24  Hypertension
  Chapter  25  Lower Leg Swelling
  Chapter  26  Lymphadenopathy
  Chapter  27  Skin Problems
  Chapter  28  Weight Loss
  Chapter  29  Weight Gain/Obesity
  Chapter  30  Osteoporosis
Part  IV  Gastrointestinal Complaints
  Chapter  31  Abdominal Pain
  Chapter  32  Constipation
  Chapter  33  Diarrhea
Part  V  Genitourinary Complaints
  Chapter  34  Urinary Incontinence and Voiding Dysfunction
  Chapter  35  Enuresis
  Chapter  36  Vaginal Bleeding
Part  VI  Cardiopulmonary Complaints
  Chapter  37  Syncope/Presyncope
  Chapter  38  Chest Pain
  Chapter  39  Palpitations
  Chapter  40  Dyspnea (Difficulty Breathing)
  Chapter  41  Cough
Part  VII  Head and Face Complaints
  Chapter  42  Eye Complaints
  Chapter  43  Facial Pain
  Chapter  44  Ear Pain
  Chapter  45  Hearing Loss
  Chapter  46  Tinnitus
  Chapter  47  Epistaxis (Nosebleed)
  Chapter  48  Sore Throat
Part  VIII  Special Conditions
  Chapter  49  Diabetes Mellitus
  Chapter  50  Thyroid Dysfunction
  Chapter  51  Hyperlipidemia
  Chapter  52  Anemia
Part  IX  Special Patient Groups
  Chapter  53  The Pediatric/Adolescent Patient
  Chapter  54  The Geriatric Patient
  Chapter  55  The Female Patient