Belchamber / Elsevier
重量:0.7kg 頁數:417 裝訂:平裝 開數:23.5 x 18.3 cm 印刷:雙色
The new edition of this highly regarded text will help you understand and apply the most appropriate psychological interventions and relaxation techniques for people experiencing anxiety, depression and psychological distress.
Easy to follow for healthcare professionals, students and the general public across a variety of settings. The text provides evidence-based techniques for addressing the person’s needs in a personalised manner, thereby achieving better outcomes. The range of strategies covered includes talking therapies, breathing techniques, mindfulness and physical activities.
The text has been edited by Dr Caroline Belchamber to incorporate a new section on application in practice, which covers COVID-19, long-term conditions, palliative, supportive and end of life care.