重量:0.1kg 頁數:64 裝訂:平裝 開數:17.8 x 11.5 cm 印刷:單色
Contents: 1. Basics of Pediatric Chest X-ray. 2. Step by Step Interpretation. 3. Miliary Shadows. 4. Pulmonary Space Occupying Lesion. 5. Chest X-ray in Neonates. Index. The book tried to make interpretation of pediatric chest X-rays simpler and structured so that postgraduate trainees should not miss relevant findings. Even the practicing pediatricians will find ease in interpreting pediatric chest X-rays. Key Features: A guide to interpret chest X-rays in a simpler and structured form, thus minimizing missing any findings. Focus on common clinical scenarios and relevant findings. Helps students for quick mopping of radiological aspects, in the last minute. A practical book for pediatricians, postgraduate students and busy practitioners. This book is a tribute to medical fraternity.