Guidelines for Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs
Guidelines for Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs
ISBN 9781492569695 作者/出版社 AACVPR/ Human Kinetics 出版年代/版次 2021/6
定價NT$ 3,115
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NSCA's Guide to Sport and Exercise Nutrition
NSCA's Guide to Sport and Exercise Nutrition
ISBN 9781492593515 作者/出版社 NSCA / Human Kinetics 出版年代/版次 2021/2
定價NT$ 2,241
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關節徒手鬆動術(1)四肢的評估和治療(Manual Mobilization of the Joints: The Extremities 9e)
關節徒手鬆動術(1)四肢的評估和治療(Manual Mobilization of the Joints: The Extremities 9e)
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Everything Moves: How Biotensegrity Informs Human Movement
Everything Moves: How Biotensegrity Informs Human Movement
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*Reiki in Clinical Practice: A Science-based Guide
*Reiki in Clinical Practice: A Science-based Guide
ISBN 9781912085361 作者/出版社 Baldwin / Handspring 出版年代/版次 2020/1
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*Fascia,Function,and Medical Applications
*Fascia,Function,and Medical Applications
ISBN 9780367531928 作者/出版社 Lesondak / CRC 出版年代/版次 2021/1
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Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Pulmonary Rehabilitation
ISBN 9781138498815 作者/出版社 Donner / CRC 出版年代/版次 2021/2
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Daniels and Worthingham's 肌力測試:徒手檢查與表現測試之技巧(10版)(Daniels and Worthingham''s Muscle Testing: Techniques of Manual Examination and Performance Testing 10/E)
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Braddom's Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Braddom's Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
ISBN 9780323625395 作者/出版社 Cifu / Elsevier 出版年代/版次 2021/6
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肌肉骨骼超音波診斷與導引注射-實務操作指南(Diagnostic Musculoskeletal Ultrasound and Guided Injection: A Practical Guide)
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Classifications and Scores of the Shoulder
Classifications and Scores of the Shoulder
ISBN 9783540243502 作者/出版社 Habermeyer / Springer Verlag 出版年代/版次 2006/1
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Biotensegrity: The Structural Basis of Life
Biotensegrity: The Structural Basis of Life
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Musculoskeletal Assessment: Joint Range of Motion, Muscle Testing, and Function (IE)
Musculoskeletal Assessment: Joint Range of Motion, Muscle Testing, and Function (IE)
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軟組織與激痛點放鬆術-治療師操作指引(Soft Tissue and Trigger Point Release  2e)
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Biomechanics for Life: Introduction to Sanomechanics
Biomechanics for Life: Introduction to Sanomechanics
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Medical Management Of Adults With Neurologic Disabilities
Medical Management Of Adults With Neurologic Disabilities
ISBN 9781933864457 作者/出版社 Cristian / Demos 出版年代/版次 2009/1
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Neurologic Interventions for Physical Therapy
Neurologic Interventions for Physical Therapy
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Clinical Care and Rehabilitation in Head and Neck Cancer
Clinical Care and Rehabilitation in Head and Neck Cancer
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Electromyography and Neuromuscular Disorders: Clinical-Electrophysiologic-Ultrasound Correlations
Electromyography and Neuromuscular Disorders: Clinical-Electrophysiologic-Ultrasound Correlations
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水中復健與運動訓練(附DVD) (Aquatic Exercise for Rehabilitation and Training with DVD )
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Physical Rehabilitation (IE)
Physical Rehabilitation (IE)
ISBN 9789746523189 作者/出版社 *O'Sullivan/F.A.Davis 出版年代/版次 2019/7
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高級肌筋膜技術(2)頭部、頸部、脊椎和肋骨(Advanced Myofascial Technique Vol.2: Neck, Head, Spine and Ribs)
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Acute Care Handbook for Physical Therapists
Acute Care Handbook for Physical Therapists
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Umphred's Neurological Rehabilitation
Umphred's Neurological Rehabilitation
ISBN 9780323676984 作者/出版社 *Lazaro / Elsevier 出版年代/版次 2020/7
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高級肌筋膜技術(1)肩膀.骨盆.腿和足(Advanced Myofascial Techniques-Volume1:Shoulder,Pelvis,Leg and Foot 1/e )
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*Prescriptive Stretching
*Prescriptive Stretching
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*Muscle Testing: A Concise Manual
*Muscle Testing: A Concise Manual
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*Acute and Emergency Care in Athletic Training
*Acute and Emergency Care in Athletic Training
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Guidelines for Pulmonary Rehabilitation Programs
Guidelines for Pulmonary Rehabilitation Programs
ISBN 9781492550914 作者/出版社 Kinetics/Human Kinetics 出版年代/版次 2020/5
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ACSM's Body Composition Assessment
ACSM's Body Composition Assessment
ISBN 9781492526391 作者/出版社 Lohman/Human Kinetics 出版年代/版次 2020/1
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ACSM's Health/Fitness Facility Standards and Guidelines
ACSM's Health/Fitness Facility Standards and Guidelines
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Brunnstrom臨床肌動學-理論與實務應用(Brunnstrom's Clinical Kinesiology 6e)
Brunnstrom臨床肌動學-理論與實務應用(Brunnstrom's Clinical Kinesiology 6e)
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戰勝疼痛:纖維肌痛者的完整照護與飲食保健指南(The Complete Fibromyalgia Health, Diet Guide & Cookbook 1/e)
戰勝疼痛:纖維肌痛者的完整照護與飲食保健指南(The Complete Fibromyalgia Health, Diet Guide & Cookbook 1/e)
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DeLisa's Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: Principles and Practice
DeLisa's Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: Principles and Practice
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Introduction to Orthotics: A Clinical Reasoning & Problem-Solving Approach
Introduction to Orthotics: A Clinical Reasoning & Problem-Solving Approach
ISBN 9780323523615 作者/出版社 Coppard / Elsevier 出版年代/版次 2020/5
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Manual Trigger Point Therapy: Recognizing, Understanding and Treating Myofascial Pain and Dysfunctio
Manual Trigger Point Therapy: Recognizing, Understanding and Treating Myofascial Pain and Dysfunctio
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Musculoskeletal Injections and Alternative Options: A Practical Guide to ''what, when and how ?''
Musculoskeletal Injections and Alternative Options: A Practical Guide to ''what, when and how ?''
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Pedorthic Footwear: Assessment and Treatment
Pedorthic Footwear: Assessment and Treatment
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Principles of Rehabilitation Medicine
Principles of Rehabilitation Medicine
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Orthopedic Joint Mobilization and Manipulation: An Evidence-Based Approach
Orthopedic Joint Mobilization and Manipulation: An Evidence-Based Approach
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Embody the Skeleton: A Guide for Conscious Movement
Embody the Skeleton: A Guide for Conscious Movement
ISBN 9781912085095 作者/出版社 Taylor / Handspring 出版年代/版次 2019/1
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Daniels and Worthingham’s Muscle Testing: Techniques of Manual Examination and Performance Testing
Daniels and Worthingham’s Muscle Testing: Techniques of Manual Examination and Performance Testing
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Neuromuscular Disorders: A Symptoms and Signs Approach to Differential Diagnosis and Treatment
Neuromuscular Disorders: A Symptoms and Signs Approach to Differential Diagnosis and Treatment
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Interventional Pain Procedures: Handbook and Video Guide
Interventional Pain Procedures: Handbook and Video Guide
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Regenerative Treatments in Sports and Orthopedic Medicine
Regenerative Treatments in Sports and Orthopedic Medicine
ISBN 9781620701126 作者/出版社 Malanga / Demos 出版年代/版次 2018/1
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筋膜操作治療術:針對肌肉骨骼疼痛處置(Fascial Manipulation for Musculoskeletal Pain 2e)
筋膜操作治療術:針對肌肉骨骼疼痛處置(Fascial Manipulation for Musculoskeletal Pain 2e)
ISBN 9789863682523 作者/出版社 *林時維 / 合記 出版年代/版次 2019/1
定價NT$ 750
NT$ 675